Saving interface settings
Good afternoon!
Please add the creation of presets and saving interface settings.
You can create your own custom preset collection and set your icons like so (this image shows the old UI but the way to save presets is still the same one, tool panel > "floppy disk")
Hope this helps!
Please note that the only UI setting that isn't stored (for now) are the "floated" coordinates of the shortcuts panel.
There's a small performance cost to having the panel floating around (instead of docked to the side panel) and this for now is a way to avoid this "cost" added even when it isn't needed. We also think that when the panel is floated the "good" floated coordinates might change across a session so having it in a certain X/Y place might not be useful after reopening/reorienting the device so not storing it in a way solves the two possible issues.